On Friday, September 28, 2018, in Bolzano (South Tyrol), the Ecotop 60 anniversary kiln with serial number 50,000 was ceremoniously handed over to the Lene Thun Foundation. In addition to volunteers and members of the foundation, Ilona Thun, board member and daughter of founder Peter Thun, was also there.
Alexander Vogl (Sales Manager of Helmut ROHDE GmbH) and Fabio Poli (owner of CIBAS Impasti in Bassano del Grappa) had travelled to Bolzano for the handover of the ceramic kiln in person.
At the beginning of the year, the creation of this toploader with the serial number 50,000 was accompanied by short videos on Facebook. (Videos: http://bit.ly/2y6QeDf)
To this end, an appeal was launched to propose a person, association or body engaged in ceramic work in the social field.
We received many submissions from all over the world, including the nomination of CIBAS Impasti, our specialist trade partner in Italy: the Lene Thun Foundation (Fondazione Lene Thun ONLUS), which was selected in the later lottery.
The Lene Thun Foundation currently works in 38 laboratories and 21 hospitals across Italy primarily with children with cancer and traumatized children. They are given the opportunity to process their traumatic experiences or their illness-related fears and pains.
"Working with their hands and working with sound in 3D gives the children an instant happiness on one hand, and on the other they can free themselves from the fears that they carry with them," said Countess Ilona Thun.
“Our company slogan is 'Enjoy your results'. If the children you look after are happy about what they have created with their hands and about the colours that may be even more beautiful after firing than they had imagined, then this kiln has found the right place” - Alexander Vogl, Sales Manager of ROHDE.
We would like to thank CIBAS for the nomination and the on-site support and look forward to the first works from the Ecotop anniversary kiln with serial number 50,000!
Further information on the Thun Foundation can be found at www.fondazionelenethun.org