From June 12th to 14th, 2018 our French partner CERAM DECOR from Lyon as well as some other partners like Cigale et Fourmis (Lille), Peter Lavem (Paris), Les Cousins (Marseille) and Solutions Céramiques (Montpellier) visited our production works in Dyjákovice, CZ.
The aim for this visit was to give our French partners more detailed technical information and to demonstrate the latest developments on our ROHDE kilns and machines right in front of the products.
But also all the little improvements for the customers' benefit are best to be shown at our works: This applies for semi-finished goods and for every single production step of each kiln model - whether toploader or frontloader kilns.
The tour through our production plant was followed by a short theoretical part with Benjamin Rohde giving some information on the history of ROHDE and some background details regarding our products and their development.
The subsequent practical demonstration by our Czech collegues in our production works provided our guests with deepened insights into the exact handling of our kilns as well as some advice and helpful hints and tricks regarding the exchange of heating elements (toploaders and frontloaders), the exchange of damaged bricks in the lid of a toploader and other small repair and maintenance works.
Our guests highly enjoyed the visit of a wine cellar in the evening and also the final walk through the city of Znaim the next morning; both were accompanied by very sophisticated French interpreters and formed a pleasant finish of this technical seminar.
We want to thank our French partners for their visit, their interest and in general for the very successful cooperation. Our special thanks go to our collegues in Dyjákovice for the excellent planning, preparation, their dedication and realization of this great event.